Monday, March 31, 2008

Watch out for the crazy, green woman!

Things are going great and I'm loving life! I finally figured out why I was bloated all the time- and the winner is....carrot juice! So now that I banished those orange demons from my juicer, my belly's getting back to normal. My Doc says it's probably an allergic reaction, so I just substituted some wheatgrass and green juice instead. I just hope I don't turn green instead of yellow, because green just doesn't go with my hair color.
Yesterday I took my fat, lazy, dog on a 3 mile walk and had to drag her half way home while cheering her on with "you can do it, Ginger, we're almost home!" I may now be known as the neighborhood nutcase, but I felt great. And today I took a 1 1/2 hour Vinyasa Yoga class and was the most limber person in the room. Not bad for a chick with cancer!
So now if I could just get to bed on time, I'd be batting 1000! Some habits are just so hard to break. Well, I guess it's 10:00 somewhere, right?

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Great catching up with you. Don't kill me but you've been tagged. Check out my blog to cut & paste. It could be fun if you have some time. If not no worries.