Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Having your card confiscated- PRICELESS!

I think the magnetic stripe on my cancer card is damaged. I mean, once in a blue moon I come out of the cancer closet and pull out my cancer card- and it's rejected!
First my son got stopped for riding his dirt bike and the police officer acted like he was public enemy number one. I was just barely able to exchange the cancer card for a get out of jail free card, but the cop was so unimpressed that he still gave him four tickets and a court date. I think I should ask for a credit line increase.
Then I tried to use it to get some medical bills reduced but again- Rejected!
Is this card getting so darn commonplace that the members are no longer afforded any benefits?
Of course I'm just looking forward to the day mine gets permanently confiscated. "Oh sorry miss, but your no-cancer credit's no good here". Who the heck needs the stupid thing anyway!

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