Monday, March 10, 2008

Hooray for getting old!

I remember when my birthdays were a big deal. They were cause for a big, celebratory night on the town complete with the requisite post birthday hangover. I'm not quite sure when my birthdays themselves started getting old, but at some point they became something I didn't want to think about let alone celebrate.
Well thank you cancer for making me appreciate my birthdays again. I'm having another one this week and I'm not only looking forward to it, but I'm actually relishing it.
That's right, I'm grateful for getting older. I guess I've realized that the alternative is decidedly less attractive. So yeah, I'm gonna celebrate. I'll be rocking my family room dance floor. I'll drink my veggie juice from a martini glass, eat raw,organic birthday cake, and have a pajama party with my posse.
I'll put birthdays on the list of things I'm grateful for and on the list of things I won't take for granted. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow, to mess up and get it right. Birthdays are like big, fat curtain calls for the year gone by.
It's all a journey and the ride's as important as the destination.
Happy birthday to me!


Eileen said...

See you next weekend!!! We can have a Birthday drink. Can you have a virgin bloody mary? I watched that video it was soooo encouraging. Speak to you soon.

Nick said...

congrats on another year -- have a fabulous birthday!!