Monday, June 2, 2008

Hippocrates Sprouting 101

This past Saturday my friend Donna and I went to Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach for a Raw Cuisine/Sprouting & Wheatgrass Class. The class was from 10AM-4PM and included their famous raw buffet.

First up, the fabulous Michael Bergonzi lectured on the importance of chlorophyl, wheatgrass, greens, and of course the almighty O2. Michael stresses over and over the importance of proper breathing and oxygenation. Ok, breathe....
Michael stresses that food is not a cult or a religion, but a choice. You can choose to eat healthy, or you can choose to eat McDonalds. Either way, it's only food. This rings true to me, because I find that many vegans and raw foodists are food snobs. Hello, you're not superior to someone else because of what you eat. Sorry, but it's just not that easy!

He also praises the awesome Kris Carr, a graduate of the Hippocrates Health Educator Program. He points out that what makes Kris so notable is that she deals with her medical lemons with a positive outlook. I agree, but that's just part of it. There's just so much more that makes Kris so fabulous, but I could go on about that forever because I absolutely love Kris- XOXO!

Next we took a tour of the amazing greenhouse packed to the gills with the most beautiful, lush, green wheatgrass and sprouts I've ever laid eyes on. And the oxygen emitted by the plants was so unbelievable that I wanted to set up a tent and camp out there for all eternity! Ok, breathe....

Then it's back to the lecture room for a raw food prep class given by chef Ken Blue. He prepared such raw goodies as pizza, caesar salad, marinated mushrooms and marinated zucchini. Even better, these treats made their way onto the huge, deliciously fresh lunch buffet.

We had our lunch outside overlooking a beautiful lake and pond with a waterfall, shaded by lush greenery. The grounds at Hippocrates are unbelievably beautiful and tranquil. It's incredibly healing and cathartic just being there, so it's no wonder that it's the number one healing retreat in the country!

After lunch we headed back inside for the wheatgrass and sprouting class. Although I've been doing fairly well with my own sprouting, I learned some things to tweak my technique for better sprouts and bigger yields.

Last, it was into the store for some retail therapy. I picked up some sprouting seeds and trays for more of my patio farming.
The day was at once peaceful, serene, and informative, and Michael is one funny dude. It's like "stand up sprouting".

For more information on Hippocrates Health Institue, contact their website at
For sprouting and wheatgrass help or info contact Michael at or email him at


Carrie Nicole said...

Oh wow, so amazing! Looking at those huge trays of green just made my mouth water! I wish I could go down there to visit and take some classes too. Thank you for sharing!

thruthemud said...

Hi Jill,
I was just browsing CSC and happened upon you. I was looking for input on Hippocrates so I am give 2 thumbs???? I am seriously looking into the 3 week Life Change Program but am a little nervous (quite certain this is coming from head and not heart)...guess my head wants reassurance...thank-you for your time - oh and your super wicked story - mine is very similar (the story bit about "nothing can be done" etc.) and I am inspired by yours being re-written! Thank-you :)Nicolle

Jill said...

I think there are pros and cons about the Life Change Program. It really depends on your situation.
If you're using it for a retreat, then go for it- it's beautiful and tranquil. But I don't think it's a lifestyle that's sustainable for the long term, nor do I believe in many of their philosophies.
Bottom line is- go with your inner voice. Your intuition always leads you on the right path.
P.S.- I couldn't open your blog page from the link on this page, so I couldn't respond to you there.

Tina said...

Hi Jill,

Fab post - thanks for all the info! Do they give one day classes like this often? Do you mind if I ask what is the cost?

Thanks sweetie - it is so great to see you!


RAwAfroMama said...

Hi Jill

I love your blog and I am certain you will succeed just a few things that are helping me on a similar journey... if your cancer is estrogen receptor positive you may not want to use too many flax seeds they are like soy and too bee avoided by those who have certain breast cancers... additionally look into Gabriel Cousins Rainbow Green Life if you haven't already... Low glycemic raw phase I... kicks cancers ass!... and maybe you wanna consider supplements such as--- Inositol/IP6-- Calcium D-Glucarate-- Garden Of Lifes Primal Defense (Acidophilus Lactobacilius etc)-- and Garden of Life RM-10 or any mushroom complex--- Apricot Kernels (Laetrile)--- Green Tea Extract... just a few things I have been using and I feel tremendously better along with excercise and eating low glycemic... you are an inspiration and I wish you well... you will be the victor!!!